Market Commentary

Insights and thoughts from our team of Financial Experts
Market Commentary – 07/16/2024

Market Commentary – 07/16/2024

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to provide you with our latest insights and perspectives on the current financial landscape and how it may impact your portfolio in the coming months. Fed Interest Rate Predictions Our analysis indicates that the Federal...

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Market Commentary 6/02/2024

Market Commentary 6/02/2024

As the midway point of the year approaches, I want to offer our clients an update on our outlook for the markets. I will focus on a few key points that are shaping our current outlook and the firm’s investment strategies. The Fed: Higher for Longer We do not expect...

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Market Commentary 4/13/2024

Market Commentary 4/13/2024

Dear Valued Client, In light of the current hostilities between Israel and Iran, it is essential that we keep you informed about our response designed to optimize your investment portfolio. As always, our focus is on managing your portfolio through all market...

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2024 Market Outlook – 1/3/2024

2024 Market Outlook – 1/3/2024

Dear Valued Clients, As we step into 2024, I am excited to share our insights and perspectives on the year ahead. A year ago, our outlook for 2023 struck a more optimistic tone for stocks than that of most Wall Street Strategists. This year, our outlook remains rosier...

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Market Commentary – 11/17/2023

Market Commentary – 11/17/2023

Dear Valued Clients, As we traverse the ever-evolving landscape of financial markets, I am honored to share insights into our current economic state and our forward-looking investment strategy. Underpinning Economic Strength: My team and I would like to emphasize the...

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Market Commentary 10/03/2023

Market Commentary 10/03/2023

Dear Valued Clients, We hope this message finds you well. In light of recent market developments, we want to provide you with an update on our perspective and investment outlook. The speed at which interest rates have risen has undoubtedly placed stress on the stock...

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Market Commentary 9/27/2023

Market Commentary 9/27/2023

I hope this letter finds you well and thriving. We appreciate the trust and confidence you have placed in us to manage your investments. As we approach the end of the third quarter, we wanted to provide you with insights into the current economic and market landscape,...

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Market Commentary 8/29/2023

Market Commentary 8/29/2023

Greetings and warm wishes from our team at Kessler Investment Group. We appreciate the trust you've placed in us as your financial partners and wanted to provide you with a comprehensive update on the current state of the market, our outlook, and the strategies we're...

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Your TD Ameritrade Account 7/05/2023

Your TD Ameritrade Account 7/05/2023

Today I am reaching out with some good news along with an update on markets. First, many of you have already received an email from TD Ameritrade regarding your account. The email was sent to notify you of the upcoming transition to Charles Schwab. As you may recall,...

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Market Commentary – Fed Meeting

Market Commentary – Fed Meeting

Tomorrow (May 3) we will learn whether the Federal Reserve will raise the Fed Funds Rate by 25 basis points (1/4 of 1%) or whether they will leave rates alone. The market expects a quarter point hike along with guidance from the Fed Chairman that further hikes are on...

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Whether you are an existing client or simply have questions about our firm, we would be delighted to speak with you. Call or email our team at any time.


8:00 - 5:00pm, Monday through Friday

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